Project Roles
Designer, Front-End Developer
Design, Front-End, Squarespace

SunSaluter is a solar non-profit based around a simple but effective technology: a counter-weight powered solar rotator designed for the developing world. Its mission is to get the open-sourced plans for this technology into the hands of the people around the world who most badly need it.

The SunSaluter team recognized that their website wasn’t serving this mission as thoroughly as it could be. Working with one of their directors and the founder, we layed out a creartive direction that would further this mission. The new site would make it easier to build a SunSaluter through a combination of educational videos, downloadable plans, and supplementary information. It would also display the value of the technology through related “Humans of SunSaluter” stories. From India to Africa to Central America, SunSaluter technology had brought light into the lives of thousands. Showcasing these stories would provide added incentive for donors to participate, as well as entice interest in target communities.

With these goals in mind, I built the site on Squarespace so that the non-technical team members could easily make adjustments over time, adding stories and videos, and re-arranging content as they expand the site over the coming year.

The website looks great! I really like the map and human stories. Access to energy means access to knowledge and improved quality of life. It’s meaningful work that deserves to be in the spotlight. Rachel Han Director at SunSaluter

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